July 2, 2023

41: Saved from death...by a Ghost? (Part 2)

41: Saved from death...by a Ghost? (Part 2)
When we talk about ghosts on Frightful, it’s normally a scary, threatening experience. The cases we look at tonight and next time are still scary…but there’s a difference. In each of the accounts you’re about to hear, we will meet people at the mercy of very frightening natural circumstances, from tragic car crashes to twisted sex killers lurking in a house…

Yet the dazzling claim in all these cases is that these victims were protected by some sort of supernatural force.

Brace yourself as police files meet the world of the paranormal.

Because I’m Peter Laws, and tonight on Frightful, we explore accounts when people were ‘Saved…by a Ghost.’

Thanks to the following or their voice work on this episode:
  • Nathan Rouse (Police Officer)
  • Mellissa Oliveri (Margaret G)
  • Tracy Nicholas (Pearl)

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