Obscura: A True Crime Podcast

Love this show!

I just started listening a week or so ago and I’m only a few shows from being completely caught up! I’m a HUGE podcast nut and a lot of the podcasts I listen to are true crime. This one has very quickly become one of my favorites! It’s pretty straight forward and well researched.

A lot of people don’t seem to like Justin’s voice but I love it! I like the deadpan delivery in his gravely voice. It just works. And his sense of compassion for the victims as well as his obvious disgust for many if not all of the perps isn’t always stated but always felt.

And the background music is great! I really like the background sounds too. The campfire in the beginning and the end is really nice. But I really love the music choices.

If I had one caveat it would be his mispronunciations. I don’t know what the guy’s problem is with Justin saying St Louis with the ee sound at the end, technically that’s correct. Louis is a French name and the s on the end is silent. Just because the locals mispronounce it doesn’t mean he’s wrong for saying it right. That being said there are a few words that make me cringe a little. I listen with headphones and luckily I work from home because I often just blurt the correct pronunciation out every time he mispronounces a word. But it’s actually become a bit of an endearment. He’s just a dude that loves true crime and his little quirks are part of what makes him human and to me it only makes the show better.

Anyway, I think this show is great.

TLDR: If you love true crime with a straight forward delivery and a sprinkle of personality you should listen to Obscura!

March 12, 2020 by Brittcom on Apple Podcasts

Obscura: A True Crime Podcast

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